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Hello fellow gamers. I am here to share information, tips, and tricks on Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty Black Ops. Please be sure to comment good or bad so I know what to change or leave it the way it is. Thanks and enjoy.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Turtles have been here for 200 million years. They live on every single continent except Antarctica. Several species of turtles live over a 100 years including the box turtle. Turtles will live in any climate warm enough to allow them to complete their breeding cycle. Turtles weight ranges between the 4 ounce bog turtle to the 1,500 pound leathery turtle. The top part of a turtle is the carapace the bottom is the plastron. The shell of a turtle is made of 60 bones. The hard part of a shell are scutes which means plates. Most turtles have 5 toes. That's all.

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