About Me

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Hello fellow gamers. I am here to share information, tips, and tricks on Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty Black Ops. Please be sure to comment good or bad so I know what to change or leave it the way it is. Thanks and enjoy.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Eli Manning

Height: 6-4
Weight: 225
Born: 1/3/1981 New
Orleans Calafornia
College: Mississippi
Experiance: 4th Season
Highschool: Isodore Newmann HS

Quick 07 Stats:

TD's: 23
INT's: 20
YDS: 3,336

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ecalastic Means the Following

A rock formed from the fragments or particles brocken away from pre-existing rocks to form an all together new rock in the nes place. All rocks usually called " clastic " are ecalastic except the pyroclastic kind. The term is contrasted with autoclastic rock.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have " morphed " into another kind of rock. These rocks were once ingneous or sedimentary rocks. How do sedimentary and igneous rocks change? The rocks are under tons and tons of pressure, which fosters heat build up, and this causes them to change. If you exam metamorphic rock sam,ples closely, you'll discover how flattened, some of the grains in the rock are.


Turtles have been here for 200 million years. They live on every single continent except Antarctica. Several species of turtles live over a 100 years including the box turtle. Turtles will live in any climate warm enough to allow them to complete their breeding cycle. Turtles weight ranges between the 4 ounce bog turtle to the 1,500 pound leathery turtle. The top part of a turtle is the carapace the bottom is the plastron. The shell of a turtle is made of 60 bones. The hard part of a shell are scutes which means plates. Most turtles have 5 toes. That's all.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


There are eighty known pyrimids in ancient egypt. Giza has the three largest pyrimids today. The most known pyrimid today is Pharaoh Khufu. There is a pyrimid named in Dahshur named the bent pyrimid. It's called the bent pyrimid because there is a harsh bend on the pyrimid.There is a pyrimid in Mastabas named the step pyrimid. Its called a step pyrimid because you can walk right up it easily. That's all.


Bird= Robin
Flower= Apple Blossom
Soil= Kalkaska
Tree= White Pine
Stone= Petoskey
Mammal= White tailed deer
Constitution= 26th state
Courts= Judicial System
Highest Point= Mt. Arvon
National Forest= Ottawa


The queen lays eggs
Wood ants squirt acid
wood ants live 7-10 years
nest=twigs, dirt, and leaves
Queen lives 10-20 years
Wood ants open jaws to threaten enemies
35,000 kinds of ants live
ants exo = chitin
male ants have wings
queen has wings
some ants sleep 7 hours
some ants have 3 queens
the queen licks eggs to hatch