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Hello fellow gamers. I am here to share information, tips, and tricks on Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty Black Ops. Please be sure to comment good or bad so I know what to change or leave it the way it is. Thanks and enjoy.

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have " morphed " into another kind of rock. These rocks were once ingneous or sedimentary rocks. How do sedimentary and igneous rocks change? The rocks are under tons and tons of pressure, which fosters heat build up, and this causes them to change. If you exam metamorphic rock sam,ples closely, you'll discover how flattened, some of the grains in the rock are.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I've been studying rocks at school. Isn't it interesting? Do you type your own blog entries?

I play football and we came in second place.

How did you find my blog? What is your mom's name? Maybe my granma knows her.